D3 is a great library but one of the challenges I have found is with unit testing anything based on event handlers.
In my specific example I was trying to show a tooltip when the user hovered over an element.
.on('mouseover', showTooltip(true))
.on('mousemove', positionTooltip)
.on('mouseout', closeTooltip);
D3 doesn’t currently have the ability to trigger a mouse event so in order to test the behaviour I have had to roll my own very simple helper to invoke these events.
$.fn.triggerSVGEvent = function(eventName) {
var event = document.createEvent('SVGEvents');
event.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
return $(this);
This is implemented as jQuery plugin that directly invokes the event as if it had come from the browser.
You can use it as below:
It will probably change over time as I need to do more with it but for now this works as a way to test my tooltip behaviour.